Research Publication Stats:Score 4 H-index:4 1375 Reads, 150 Citations (ResearchGate,Google Scholar) | |
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NEW:XMETAPL MetaCoding Language+VXCPU virtual CPU |

VXCPU - Simple Virtual CPU Machine
OPCODE | Name | Operand1 | Operand2 | Operand3 | Istruzione |
10 | MOVR | Reg Dest | Reg Src | Loads the value from regsrc into regdst. | |
11 | MOVV | Reg Dest | Value | Loads the numeric value into register regdst. | |
20 | ADD | Reg Dest | Reg Src | Adds the value from regsrc to the value of regdst and store the result in reg_dst | |
21 | SUB | Reg Dest | Reg Src | Subtracts the value of regsrc from the value of regdst and store the result in reg_dst | |
30 | PUSH | Reg Src | Pushes the value of reg_src on the stack | ||
31 | POP | Reg Dest | Pops the last value from stack and loads it into register reg_dst | ||
40 | JP | Address | Jumps the execution to address addr. | ||
41 | JL | Reg1 | Reg2 | Address | Jump to the address addr only if the value from reg1 < reg2 (IF reg1 < reg2 THEN JP addr) |
42 | CALL | Address | Pushes onto the stack the address of instruction that follows CALL and then jumps to address addr | ||
50 | RET | Pops from the stack the last number, assumes is an address and jump to that address | |||
60 | Reg | Print on the screen the value contained in the register reg | |||
61 | PRINTC | Reg | Print on the screen the char value contained in the register reg | ||
255 | HALT | Stop the CPU.The virtual CPU doesn't execute instructions once HALT is encountered. |
FORMATO ISTRUZIONI: OPCODE,Operando1,Operando2,Operando3,... (secondo indicazioni dell'Opcode separati da , )
Scrivete sotto il vostro bytecode e cliccate su Run per eseguirlo
Scrivete sotto il vostro bytecode e cliccate su Run per eseguirlo
Pubblicazione VXCPU(09.3.24)
- Aggiornamento(28.4.24)