Research Publication Stats:Score 4 H-index:5 1165 Reads, 91 Citations (ResearchGate,Google Scholar) | |
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NEW:XMETAPL MetaCoding Language+VXCPU virtual CPU |
Dr.(PhD)Gianluca Mura,Direttore Scientifico di e' un Ricercatore Transdisciplinare Politecnico di Milano, Designer, Programmatore e Artista Multimediale.Esperienza +20 anni Accademica e Professionale nel Web,Design e Media Arts con Progetti,Corsi Universitari e di Formazione e Pubblicazioni Internazionali.Membro e Conference Chair di varie Comunita' Scientifiche Internazionali quali AICA, CYBERWORLDS, IEEE, IFIP, MIMOS. Former Editor-In-Chief di IJACDT Journal of Art,Culture and Design Technologies. Opera d'Arte Digitale "The Metaplastic Constructor" al Museo Arte Moderna, Toluca, Mexico al VAP4 Viareggio(Italia) e inclusa nella Collezione digitale Rhizome Artbase NewYork.
# | Tipo | Titolo | Evento | Editore | Localita' | Anno |
1 | Research | XMETAPL MetaCoding Theory,Methods,Applications | ArtsMachine Medialab | | Italy | 2023 |
2 | Research | MetaPlastic Art&Design Theory,Methods and Applications | Arts&Design Virtual worlds | | Italy | 2020 |
3 | Book | Analyzing Art,Culture and Design in the Digital Age | Arts&Design Virtual worlds | IGI-Global | USA | 2015 |
4 | Paper | Metaplastic Techne':a Meta Cyberdiscipline between Science-Art-Design | SC-NeoGeo-VRTerro 2015 | MIPT Russian Dept. Physics Informatics | Russia | 2015 |
5 | Paper | ARS METAPLASTICA:a Metadiscipline of Creativity and Innovation between Science-Art-Design | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2015 | Sweden | 2015 |
6 | Paper | Meta Techne':a metadiscipline between science-art-design | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2014 | Spain | 2014 |
7 | Paper | Cyber MetaPlasticity. Cybercosmos of MetaPlastic Cyberworlds | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2013 | Japan | 2013 |
8 | Artwork | The MetaPlastic CyberCosmos | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2012 | Japan | 2013 |
9 | Paper | The MetaPlastic Art&Design Manifesto | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2013 | Japan | 2013 |
10 | Article | The Metaplastic Arts&Design Innovations | IJACDT Journal,n.1,vol.2 | IGI-Global | USA | 2012 |
11 | Paper | The MetaPlastic Art Meta-Coding | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2012 | Germany | 2012 |
12 | Chapter | MetaPlastic Cyber OpenCode | Digital Media and Technologies for Virtual Artistic Space | IGI-Global | USA | 2012 |
13 | Paper | The Advanced Open MetaPlastic Platform for Cyber Art | SI LCNS Transactions Computational Science | Springer ISSN:1866-4733 (print version) ISSN:1866-4741 (electronic version) | USA | 2012 |
14 | Chapter | The Multiplasticity of social media technologies | in New Media Communication Skills for Engineers and IT Professionals: Trans-National Trans-Cultural Demands | IGI-Global | USA | 2012 |
15 | Paper | The Open MetaPlastic Platform for Cyber Art | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2011 Banff | Canada | 2012 |
16 | Book | Metaplasticity in Virtual Worlds:Aesthetics and Semantics Concepts | ISBN 978-1-60960-077-8 | IGI-Global | USA | 2011 |
17 | Chapter | Multiplasticity of new media | in Ghinea,G.Gulliver,S.R.Andres Multiple Sensorial Media Advances & Applications:New Developments in MulSelMedia ISBN 978-1609608217 | IGI-Global | USA | 2011 |
18 | Chapter | The Metaplasticity of Virtual Worlds | Web Studies | Europia pub. | Paris | 2010 |
19 | Paper | Cyberworld Cybernetic Art Model for Shared Communications | Arts&Design Virtual Worlds | CYBERWORLDS 2009 | UK | 2009 |
20 | Paper | The meta-plastic cyberspace:a network of semantic virtual worlds | ICIWI08 | IADIS | Germany | 2008 |
21 | Artwork | The Metaplastic Constructor | CAC2 Computer Art Congress | IJDST Journal (ISSN 1630-7267) | Mexico | 2008 |
22 | Artwork | The MetaPlastic Constructor | Modern Art Museum Toluca ArtBase Digital Art Collection Case Study citation from Digital Humanities course at Stanford university | various | Global | 2008 |
23 | Paper | The Metaplastic Virtual Worlds | IEEE pag.209-216,ISBN 0-7695-3005-2 | CW2007 | Germany | 2007 |
24 | Paper | The Metaplastic virtual spaces | VirtualSystem&Multimedia,pag.166-178 ISSN 0302-9743(Print) | VSMM07 | Australia | 2007 |
25 | Chapter | The Metaplastic virtual Spaces | in Virtual Systems & Multimedia T.G.Wyeld,Kenderdine,Docherty ISBN 978-3-540-78566-1 | Springer | USA | 2007 |
26 | Paper | Fuzzy synaesthetic model for virtual worlds | Vol.3,pag.172-177,ISBN 1-934272-10-8 | IIIS | CCT07 | 2007 |
27 | Paper | Conceptual artwork model for virtual environments | in JCIS Journal(ISSN1553-9105) Vol.3,n.2, pg.461-465 | BinaryInfoPress | USA | 2007 |
28 | Paper | La Semantica del Rojo y el Negro:Un lenguaje Fuzzy | spanish translation by Prof.Bernardo Uribe Mendoza | Univ.Colombia | Colombia | 2007 |
29 | Research | The Red and Black semantics:a fuzzy language in AIM@SHAPE Advanced and Innovative Models and Tools for the Development of Semantic-based systems for handling,acquiring,and Processing Knowledge Embedded in Multidimensional Digital Objects | 5th Framework EU Programme | AIM@SHAPE Consortium | EU | 2007 |
30 | Paper | The Red and Black semantics:a fuzzy language | IEEE,pg.183-190,ISBN 0-7695-2671-3 | CYBERWORLDS 2006 | SWITZERLAND | 2006 |
31 | Paper | The Red and Black semantics:a fuzzy language | in The Visual Computer Int.Journal of Computer Graphics Vol.23,N.5,pag.359-368 ISSN 0178-2789(print),ISSN 1432-2315(electronic) | Springer | International | 2005 |
32 | Workshop | VR WORKSHOP:VIRTUALITY IN ARTS AND DESIGN | Ecole du Louvre Biblioteque Nationale du France,Paris | ICHIM05 | France | 2005 |
33 | Workshop | VR WORKSHOP:VIRTUALITY IN ARTS AND DESIGN | with Prof.Xavier Perrot Ecole du Louvre with High Patronage of the Italian Foreign Ministry MAE,Farnesina,Roma | Archive&Museum Informatics | France | 2005 |
34 | Paper | Designing imaginary spaces | Nicephore Days Colloque Scientifique International | Chalon sur Saone | France | 2004 |
35 | Paper | XENSE:art space for virtual performance | Digital Culture and Heritage Haus der Kulturen der Welt,Berlin | ICHIM04 | Germany | 2004 |
36 | Artwork | Xense online exhibition | in Diesel-new art contest | Diesel | Italy | 2004 |
37 | Paper | Webmuseum learning experience methodology | Cultural Institutions and DigitalTechnology Ecole du Louvre,Paris | ICHIM03 | France | 2003 |
38 | Paper | Musaic:an authoring tool for information design system | I International meeting of Science and Technology of Design Sense and Sensibility in Technology Linking Innovation through Design | IADE | Portugal | 2003 |
39 | Paper | HEDA:a software for indoor air quality | Healthy Building Conference,Helsinky | IAQ | Sweden | 2000 |
40 | Research | I rischi professionali per il lavoratore del cantiere edile negli interventi di recupero del patrimonio edilizio | Italian Labour Ministry Research | MIUR | Italy | 2000 |
41 | Book | La progettazione bioclimatica con il software DESA | Architecture,Bioclimatic Design | HOEPLI Milano | Italy | 1998 |
42 | Paper | DESA:a software to assess building performance during planning | Healthy Building'97 Vol.3,p.97-102,Washington DC | IAQ | USA | 1997 |
43 | Paper | DESA:a software to assess building performance during planning | 2nd Teacher in Architecture Congress,Florence | Conf.proceedings | Italy | 1997 |